
Solar-powered data logger  

Reliable, Robust, Resistant

User manual

To start acquiring data from your Minilog, please perform the following steps:

1. Configure the wifi settings and the user parameters
a. Press the button 3 times (a green LED will start to blink when the direct wifi connection is active)
b. Look into the wireless network list from your smartphone or computer for Minilog-id (the unique id of your device is written on its back). A warning indicates that this network does not have internet, accept it
c. Open your browser and write in the address bar, a page containing a form will appear
d. In the Wifi settings part, enter the name of your wifi network (guest network if you have one), SSID (e.g. homewifi) and the password (e.g.: qwerty123). Your wifi should be in 2.5 GHz (if it is currently in 5 GHz, please see the documentation of your router to change it)
e. In the case of a WPA network (e.g. business or universities), enter the eapID
f. Click on Set wifi ID’s to validate the wifi settings
g. In User settings, enter a chosen username in the User name field, indicate your time zone in Time zone
h. Click on Set user settings
i. Press briefly on the button of the minilog to stop the direct wifi connection, the LED will stop to blink and your device (smartphone or computer) should reconnect to your favorite network

2. Scan the QR code, or write the URL, indicated on the back of the minilog to open the link in your browser

3. Et voilà ! Now, you should be able to see the temperature and luminosity data on the graph. The button ↻ allows you to update the data. The field under Comments, let you write anything you would like to record, with the username previously defined

Anatomy :

Your Minilog consists of three temperature probes, a luminosity sensor, a photovoltaic panel which powers a battery linked to a micro-controller with a wifi antenna and a flash memory. On the side, a button allows you to switch to direct wifi mode.
The Minilog can record the temperatures and the light level then send the data to a server via wifi. A web application allows data to be viewed from any device with internet access. The battery of the Minilog is charged by the solar panel or via the micro-USB port with a mobile phone charger (not supplied). The URL and QR code on the back points to the web application on which to consult the data, just scan this code or write the url in your browser to access it. There is no app to download.

Data visualization on the webapp :